LCD and LED Annunciator
LCD Annunciators provide remote alphanumeric status information and can provide remote system control. The Simplex InfoAlarm Annunciator can even display information in two languages, which can be selected “on the fly” to serve different operators.
LED Annunciators, available in a variety of configurations, provide discrete LED annunciation against labeled functions or for custom graphic annunciator floor plans. Remote control is also available.
- LCD readout provides: Two lines of 40 characters each; wide viewing angle; LED backlighting.
- Control switches and status LEDs - Alarm, Priority 2, Supervisory, or Trouble acknowledge (keyswitch access controlled), alarm silence, System reset
- Programmable control switches with yellow
LEDs and provisions for custom labeling
- Tone-alert sounder provides local audible indication
Lamp and LCD are functionally tested each time the
keyswitch is turned on